JSON Options

JSON options are a group of options that can be serialized as JSON and embedded in Markdown.


Markdown Frontmatter

JSON options can be added to the frontmatter of your Markdown file as the value of markmap.

For example:

    - blue
  # other options

Markdown content here

Option List


Type: string | string[], default: d3.schemeCategory10

A list of colors to use as the branch and circle colors for each node.

If none is provided, d3.schemeCategory10 will be used.


Type: number, default: 0

Freeze color at the specified level of branches, i.e. all child branches will use the color of their ancestor node at the freeze level.

0 for no freezing at all.


Type: number, default: 500

The animation duration when folding/unfolding a node.


Type: number, default: 0

The max width of each node content. 0 for no limit.


Type: number, default: -1

The maximum level of nodes to expand on initial render.

-1 for expanding all levels.


Type: string[], default: none

A list of JavaScript URLs. This is useful to add more features like Katex plugins.


Type: string[], default: none

A list of CSS URLs. This is useful to add more features like Katex plugins.


Type: boolean, default: true

Whether to allow zooming the markmap.


Type: boolean, default: true

Whether to allow panning the markmap.


Type: { selector: string }

Pass options to the internal HTML parser, for example to override the default selectors for elements to display.


Type: number, default: 80


Type: number, default: 5


If you are not a developer, you may skip this part.

Markmap has its own options which can either be passed on create or afterwards.

Markmap.create(svg, markmapOptions, data);

However, markmapOptions is a low-level object including complicated logic that can hardly be serialized, so it is not portable.

jsonOptions is introduced for portability but as a tradeoff it can only stand for a subset of markmapOptions.

jsonOptions can be converted to markmapOptions with a single function call:

import { deriveOptions } from 'markmap-view';

const markmapOptions = deriveOptions(jsonOptions);